LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [Image->Annotate] Category Image
Type Member Source Available Yes
Support Preferred Version 7.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0


Overlays text on to an image. Requires a string value as a parameter, which is the text to be overlaid. Required -Left and -Top parameters specify the place of the text in pixel integers relative to the upper left corner of the image, and a -Font parameter specifying the full path and name (including extension) to a system font.


[Image Variable->(Annotate: 'Text String', -Left=Integer, -Top=Integer, -Font='Full-Path-to-System-Font')]


Required Parameters
'Text String' Text to be overlaid on the image.
-Left Specifies the place of the text in pixel integers relative to the left side of the image.
-Top Specifies the place of the text in pixel integers relative to the top side of the image.
Optional Parameters
-Font Specifies the name of a system font to be used for the text.
-Size Specifies the text size in integer pixels.
-Color Specifies the text color as a hex string ('#FFCCDD').
-Aliased Turns on text anti-alising.


To add text to an image:

Use the [Image->Annotate] tag on a defined image variable. The example below adds the text (c) 2004 OmniPilot Software to the specified image.

[Var: 'MyImage' =(Image: '/images/image.jpg')]
[$MyImage->(Annotate: '((c) 2004 OmniPilot Software', -Left=5, -Top=5, -Font='/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luxirb.ttf', -Size=8, -Color='#000000', -Aliased)]
[$MyImage->(Save: '/images/image.jpg')]